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Accession No 1802.3666
Name/Title Castor canadensis (North American beaver); skull and mandible
Brief Description Skull and mandible of a Beaver, probably the North American Beaver (Castor canadensis).

The beaver fells trees, constructs dams and builds homes. What tools does it have for the job? Teeth and intelligence.

It has distinctive orange front four insisors in its maxilla and mandible. The teeth grow throughout its life and are strong enough to gnaw through large trees. The beaver builds a dam across rivers and lakes to provide a safe place for building a home. The house is built out of twigs, sticks and mud but the beaver doesn’t worry about building a door; it just eats it way in once it is built.

The beaver uses its large paddle tail to warn other family members of danger by thumping it on the ground. The tail also stores fat to keep the beaver going if food is in short supply.
Classification Mammalia/Vertebrata/Chordata/Animalia
Measurement Reading 13 x 9.5 x 9.5cm
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