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Record Image
Accession No 1802.10655
Name/Title PHOTOGRAPH; Looking Down to Ngamatapori
Brief Description A black and white photograph of the view looking down into the settlement of Ngamatapouri. The photograph was taken from a high vantage point and looks down over a bridge leading to a dirt road, with four buildings along the roadside with scattered trees. The bridge is identified as Annabell's Bridge, and one of the buildings is the library which has been enlarged to include a hall. The church is in the upper right corner with a tree beside it, and the other building is Frank Chesswas' house.
This is a 21st reprint of an original photograph.
Classification Print, Photographic/Documentary Artifact/Communication Artifacts/Nomenclature
Primary Prod Period 20th century
Primary Prod Place Whanganui/Aotearoa/New Zealand
Measurement Reading 13.9 x 6.6cm
Signature/Marks Old hall, frank / Chesswa's House / Store, left
Laraine Sole / BOx 42 / Waitotara
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