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Accession No 2017.26
Name/Title ILLUMINATED ADDRESS; To James Crichton Esq
Brief Description An illuminated address is a formal greeting, usually written and decorated by hand. The artwork will often include small scenes or symbols relating to the life and work of the person who is the recipient of the address. Illuminated addresses became popular in the 1850s. They were usually presented to people of importance as a token of respect. They were also created as thanks for services rendered when an outstanding person had left a position. They are still presented occasionally today.

The word "illuminated" refers to the use of gold and bright colours that illustrate the pages, very like the idea of medieval illuminated manuscripts. At first glance, many illuminated addresses look a bit like medieval works.

In 1904 this particular illuminated address was created as a tribute for James Crichton, “In appreciation of your sterling worth as a Citizen and in recognition of the splendid services you have rendered to Music in Wanganui …”. Signed by Mayor Alexander Hatrick, the artwork is by historian and painter T W Downes and features music scenes and symbols, as well as a small musical score. Accompanying the address was a “purse of sovereigns, and in handing you the same to express the cordial hope that you may be spared many years of Health and Prosperity”.

The address is mounted on heavy card, encapsulated in a dark brown faux oak mat and inserted into a dark brown-stained oak frame.
Classification Speech/Documentary Artifact/Communication Artifacts/Nomenclature
Primary Maker Downes, Thomas William
Primary Prod Date 1904
Primary Prod Period 20th century
Primary Prod Place Whanganui/Aotearoa/New Zealand
Measurement Reading 69.5 x 58.7cm
43.5 x 54.3cm
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