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Record Image
Accession No 1965.127.2
Name/Title PHOTOGRAPH; Wanganui Technical College
Brief Description A black and white photograph of the Technical College in Whanganui. The view was taken from the road and looks over the intersection towards a large two-storeyed brick building on the corner. A low concrete fence with pillars surrounds the buildings, and a street lamp stands on the corner opposite.
Photograph has been mounted on green backing card.
Classification Print, Photographic/Documentary Artifact/Communication Artifacts/Nomenclature
Primary Maker F J Denton Photographer (estab. 1899, closed 1928)
Primary Prod Date 1911
Primary Prod Period 20th century
Primary Prod Place Whanganui/Aotearoa/New Zealand
Measurement Reading 24.4 x 30.7cm
14.7 x 20.2cm
Signature/Marks Wanganui Regional Museum / Copyright
Wanagnui Technical College / 1911
Wanganui Public Museum / Photograph Collection / No. 5990/2 / Reproduction without / acknowledgment / strictly forbidden
When extraprints are required, send / direct to me / giving this number........................... / I have the original negative and can / supply photographs or enlargements / much superior to any copy that may be / made. / All sizes carefully packed and posted promptly / FJ Denton / Wanganui, NZ
Wanganui Public Museum/ photograph collection/ no./ reproduction without/ acknowledgement/ strictly forbidden
Pres. Anon 11 Aug / 1965
Carton no./ 26
Denton / Wanganui N.Z.
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Whanganui Regional Museum

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